This kind of army should be augmented by a few units of cavalry, mostly to cleanup routed enemy units. That cavalry should generally start the battle behind the line as reserves on both sides. So total would be something like 10 Line Infantry, 6 12-pound Foot Artillery, 1 General, 3 any Cavalry.
As such, if you want to take a dive into modding THREE KINGDOMS we recommend you take a look at some of the guides out there for ROME II onwards to get you ready for release on Thursday the 4th of July.
empire total war esf editor guide
Si vous souhaitez entreprendre la création de mods pour THREE KINGDOMS, nous vous recommandons donc de jeter un œil aux guides qui existent déjà pour ROME II et les jeux suivants. Cela vous permettra de vous préparer à la sortie, qui aura lieu le jeudi 4 juillet. 2ff7e9595c